The Pigeon Detectives @ HMV Institute, 2nd April 2011

Pigeon Detectives @ HMV Library Birmingham

Up until now The Pigeon Detectives have left little impact on me but seeing them live really brought their music to life. With Matt, the lead singer, jumping around in such a heartfelt, haphazard way, his impressive energy and excitement gave the songs substance and character, getting the crowd worked up, jumping off drums, swinging his microphone and spraying people with water.

The Hmv Library was packed out, a bit of a downsize, I believe, from their previous album tour but it worked to their advantage and as Matt explained in one interview, allowed them to “see the whites of their fans eyes” again.

Despite sound difficulties during the first song, the Pigeon Detectives got straight back on track and pushed on. Matt’s energy never waning, you could see he relished bringing himself and a bit of Leeds to Birmingham that night.

Pigeon Detectives @ HMV Library BirminghamPigeon Detectives @ HMV Library Birmingham

The crowd jumped and sang to ‘I’m Not Sorry’ and ‘Take Her Out’ from their debut album and seemed to enjoy ‘Done In Secret’ from their recently released album ‘Up Guards and At Em.’

The Pigeon Detectives put on a fantastic show with Matt crowd surfing for the last encore, leaving in a triumphant glow, soaked in drink and sweat, their fans cheering and encouraged, to keep the party going into the rest of their, already brilliant, Saturday night.

I’m not gonna take this
What can I say
I found out
Don’t know how to say goodbye
She wants me
Keep on your dress
Romantic type
Better not look my way
Turn out the lights
Say it like you mean it
I’m a liar
Need to know this
Making up numbers
Done in secret
Everybody wants me
Take her back

What you gonna do
I’m not sorry

Review & photos – Christine Tellier

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