Skindred @ The Avenue, Chesterfield 28 October, 2017

Tonight Birmingham Live are expecting a great night, as we are attending Skindred in Chesterfield.

Most people will probably think that it is unusual as from the moment of arriving it is apparent that many music nights are held here at The Avenue and there are a good selection running up to Christmas.  For Birmingham Live it is our first visit and we are impressed from the start.

On walking in the walkways look about as big as our local o2 Institute.  Walking into the main room its clear this is a night club venue with the styling and layout but it is larger than we expected, holding 1800 people. Security were hired in for the event and combined with the staff  are probably the friendliest people I’ve come across, so far Chesterfield it all looks good.

Kicking off the night is Sheffield based Steal The City, who deliver heavy bass lines with some interaction with the humble sized crowd.  Interesting appearances on stage – as its Halloween.   Its Saturday night, but fans clearly didn’t come out early, we enjoyed the set  and will be interested to see how they develop.

Up next is Sweet Little Machine bringing their energetic punk rock.  They have just toured with Real Big Fish (Fuelled By Fire Tour 2017.) and are playing many other sold out shows.  They are sure to win over many fans and have a strong base which they have created already.

They raced out jamming almost immediately, with incredible energy.  Our attention is drawn to lead Alex Lantrua.  Strutting around the stage delivering swift paced melodies with catchy hooks and rowdy, boisterous fun style.

Halloween costumes definitely add an extra slant and add that extra fun element, by now there is a pretty full crowd. Great melodies and mixture of vocals deliver a great performance. Our favourites from the set being Kill The Hero.  You just get swept into the energy of every track like Hurricanes, another of their title tracks. We say,  Sweet Little Machine, give them a try.

The main event is Skindred.  Who are capable of always delivering a solid set that shakes the foundation of every venue –  can they do the same in this night club?

Appearing a little later on stage than planned, but nobody is really fussed; beer is flowing and as its club night with no real curfew (which is nice to see)  the crowd are relaxed and the venue is able to support the time change with ease.

Normal Skindred style,  AC DC’s Thunderstruck intro…. followed by the dub remix of The Imperial March as each member comes out arms raised.   Benji takes his place raised up on a platform with a Black Union Jack  draped over his mic stand, firing into Under Attack –  the fans Immediately fully engage, bouncing as Skindred’s hard hitting bass commands.

Following Rat Race a Bible is thrown upon stage and lands before Benji’s feet, he plays along and engages as he reads out some of the contents.  He appears to be reading as he calls out Exodus, Genesis, Deuteronomy and Revelations.

The venue is rammed! Reactions and energy throughout are fantastic.  The energy from both the stage and the floor (we are all referred to as family).   We commit to Jump Around as the venue foundations rock.  Skindred bring this drive to all venues.

Benji uses his red scarf, as head band tied around his forehead, of course it’s only going to be Ninja, I don’t think anything could be done tonight to get the crowd off form. We see where the bible come from as Jesus (OK not the real one) raised high arms wide moving around as Benji jokingly shouts “F*CK Off”.

Closing the main set is Nobody, this flows well. Then we have War Pigs as a fan manages to get on stage and as security try to catch him,  he runs and jumps into  the crowd.

The thing with Skindred shows is you don’t just come to a Skindred show, you get involved.  There is fun, there is humour, there are hard hitting tunes and solid beats from start to end.

To finish, as commanded, we get our Tees in the air to do the Newport Helicopter something that any Skindred fan will know.

A great night, with Halloween costumes making it that bit different, and next time Skindred, you guys need your costumes too (be sure to send us an invite ☺ )

Set List


Under attack

Rat race

Doom riff

Jump around

Sound the siren


Interlude (Dan)


Kill the power



War pigs


Review and Photographs: Chris Bowley

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