Mowglee + Che + 3 Libras + Just Sweet Theft @ The Actress and Bishop – 24 July 2008
Walking into the Actress and Bishop I could hear the sounds of music drifting down from the room upstairs. I was initially confused as there were literally no posters for tonight’s event in the whole venue, apart from in the room in which it was actually taking place. Also, I was sure it must be the jukebox playing as no band worth their salt would bother trotting out the overplayed and overcovered ‘Valerie’ again. Alas, first band, Just Sweet Theft, would do this and worse, moving on to cover Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’ of all things. Their own songs were thoroughly unremarkable, so maybe they just weren’t confident enough in their own material, but if you have to play covers then at least choose more obscure songs or do something a bit different with them.
Kid Captain were originally second on the bill but had pulled out, so it was up to 3 Libras to pick things up with an interesting blend of post rock/shoe gaze and Manchester/baggy rock. This three piece sounded equal parts Tool and Stone Roses, and although their songs were all instrumentals, I didn’t feel that they lacked direction without a singer. I found myself engaged and interested all the way through and really felt drawn into the atmospheric build ups. The bass work was particularly great, one minute piercing the mix with funky lines and then blending more into the background, layering and texturing the soundscape with synthy noise.
Up next were Che, an outfit who have been doing well in the Surface Unsigned Festival, reaching the regional finals at The Rainbow on 31 August. If successful there, they will progress to the national semis, held at The Academy, under the watching eyes of a number of influential industry figures. It was immediately obvious why Che have had success. Their sound is clear, powerful and gripping from the off, intensely melodic and ruthlessly focused. This is due in large part to vocalist Lydia’s note perfect, muscular voice. The lazy comparisons will obviously be made to Evanesence and Paramore, but Che seem broader in scope, taking in elements of alternative rock, indie and emo. The choppy beats and earnest vocal lines reminded me a lot of My Chemical Romance, but with less of a ‘big rock’ sound. Che are also an engaging and energetic live presence which has obviously impressed the Surface Unsigned judges and crowds. I think the best word to describe them would be beguiling. I have seen worse signed bands performing in much larger venues so I feel certain Che deserve more success, as they are a very professional sounding, highly marketable outfit. However I do feel that while they make a beguiling noise that ticks all of the boxes, they are not original enough to be something special.
Headliners Mowglee were underwhelming in comparison to Che. With their synth heavy indie rock, they reminded me a bit of Pulp. They were competent enough, however, as a performance their set never really took off and the decision to play gospel staple ‘Precious Love’ was an odd one. I can’t really remember a lot of this set which suggests to me it wasn’t very good, I’m afraid.
Review – Adam Moffatt
Photos – Christine Tellier
3 libras rule.NO 1 REALISES ITS IMPROVISATION!fuck it they should be called 3 genius`s!  phil
che were shit i agree 3 libras were the best band!p.s the drimmer with the singlasses was hot 2 ill be back! claire
i know 3 libras we’re awsome easily the best band.ive found there myspace,there songs on there are so amazin.check it out its enjoy
Mowglee for me!!! have yet to see a poor performance from these guys…great songs and great musicians. not sure what the reviewer was doing but sure it’s all a matter of taste…some of us have more than others!!! D
I agree that 3 Libras were the better of the bands, played a great set. I wouldn’t say Che were shit, I thought the singer had amazing vocals and they had a lot of energy and passion but they weren’t original, thats the only part you could agree with the reviewer I must say.
I thought that Just Sweet Theft were far better than they have been given credit for, their covers got people interested and Im sorry but ‘Umbrella’ was hardly an obvious choice.
I also thought that Che were good but found this review biased towards them, their name is mentioned five times as opposed to once for the other bands and therefore Im not sure how useful I find this review.
Mowglee Rock!!! not sure what this guy was watching.
i was at this gig from the start, and was more impressed with the first two bands than the last two just sweet theft played a great set starting off a cold room with cover versions that people know and like sometimes that can be a braver choice than original songs
Mowglee rocked the place – what’s this reviewer on about and the rest of you people! Perhaps everyone had a lot to drink by the time the headliners came on…how can you dis anyone who does an Elvis classic tune like Precious Lord – get a bit of maturity in your musical preferences and you find that this is a class act with sounds you would not have heard before. Love the asian/english mix and think these guys are true originals – a bit of an image update wouldn’t do any harm, but the music itself is quality.
I thought Che were a “music by numbers band” and lacked originality, I just didn’t get them. Three Libras were brave for presenting their own original music without a singer – and pulled it off! Didn’t see the first band – but thought Mowglee did the business on the night and that is what you go to a live venue for.
All I can say is that reveiwer hasnt got ears. And 3 Libras stole the show. I agree 3 Libras = 3 Genius,s………………… Better watch out for these guys.
What is Adam Moffatt on about.. before he has even heard the bands playing he has slated the gig, the venue and most of the bands…is this guy guy high as a kite ….the bands all played well 3 Libras were cool and Che and Mowglee were awesome, I espec like the bass player from Mowglee …what a class act.. all the bands rocked in their own ways keep it up
Mowglee Rule …. Adam Moffatt doesnt have a clue… lets find him and give him a review on his dress sense
wat is this reviewer on about! i’ll be honest i didn’t watch all the bands but 3 libras had a very interesting sound which i liked, i think they would sound beter with some sort of vocal(s) maybe a little huk or something, but well done. che were great not my kind of music but i give credit were its due.. great vocalist, and potential 2go far! mowglee were absolutly awesome! they finished the night with a big bang, they sounded excellent, they’re defo better than alot of bands out there 2day, defo deserve more recognition, great performance!
I have got to say that I agree with what most of these comments are saying and I am wondering whether the person that wrote this review was actually at this gig?
I thought the first three bands were really good and although Mowglee weren’t my cup of tea, they were clearly talented.
We must all have been watching something different to the guy that wrote the review!
This review is way to biased and personal! Shouldn’t you actually review the bands? maybe give people an idea of what they sound like, how well they play ? Stage presence? and then maybe if you liked it or not and why? I’ve seen mowglee a few times now and I though they played a fantastic set that night and I thought the other bands I saw played well too!
I find this review fair and balanced. Seemingly written from a a genuine and unbiased standpoint.
It seems all Adam has done is upset a few fanboys/girls!
I wonder if any of the above comments were written by people who had never seen any of the bands before or have no connection /affiliation?
I think Adam should get some respect for his integrity.
It’s all too easy for reviewers to go down the easy routes of all out praise or just needlessly slating.
Maybe you lot need to stand back occasionally, think outside the box a bit and accept that this is just a normal guys opinion.
Does the truth hurt?
This Adam guy’s a douchbag!!!
I do agree Adam should be given more respect, it’s not easy to say exactly what you think without upsetting people. But….how can it be truth?
Music is about personal taste not truth! and reviews are about that persons taste it doesn’t mean his right or it’s true, it just means that this is Adam’s opinion. I respect that he gave his own opinion but it doesn’t mean his right.
How can you say its fair and balanced I can’t agree with that! Mowglee doesn’t even have a review! I wasn’t keen on them but they should have at least had a more of a review than three lines.
I think everyone has an opinion and entitle to it. Adam has his, and maybe he didn’t do his job well enough as gig monster said a 3 sentence review doesn’t say much – was he just hacked off at something else?
Does the truth hurt is merely a phrase – My point being that some people are getting a bit hot under the collar when someone gets in with an opinion that differs from their blinkered and dare I say it ‘biased’ leaning towards a band.
I wasn’t suggesting Adam was “right ” or “true”, in fact quite the opposite. I was trying to point out other’s inability to acknowledge that their own opinion may not be the only valid way of thinking.
I feel the review is fair and balanced in the sense that Adam has justified his opinions – If he can sum up his feelings about a band in 3 lines or 300 doesn’t make any odds. Reviews are meant to be subjective – not equal in word length!
Would anyone be whining or so up in arms if it were a two word sum up of “absolutely amazing” ?
At the end of the day, most bands out there are pretty mediocre, with few having that special something to make it to the top – although their fans may not often agree :p
Mac: Hope you’re not suggesting that anybody is judging a band on anything else than the music they produce. I’m sure you meant being hacked off at the rising cost of beer or somesuch.
And that is really all I have to say on the matter. The fact that I’ve had to elaborate at all on this is quite tiresome.
*closes eyes, sticks fingers in ears, and sings songs to drown out further comments*
I just mean’t maybe he had something else on his mind! What are you getting at?
Of course everyone has a point of view and of course people differ in their music preferences. BUT…surely whatever your taste in music if you have ears on your head you can acknowledge if a band has done a good job…ie: musicianship, lyrical content etc. For me, a reviewer saying “I can’t really remember a lot of this set which suggests to me it wasn’t very good” just doesn’t cut it. Perhaps such a statement is more a reflection on the reviewers ability as opposed to the bands!!!
no the reviewer is daft. che although very talented and good we’re to screachy.every time it had a kick in it was hands in ears time.mowglee we’re good,the 3libras we’re amazing muscians and just sweet are going to be a bad band given time,you can see the potential and there covers we’re good.the reviewers a poor reviewer. SORT IT OUT ADAM!!!!!