Marina And The Diamonds @ The Institute, 26th November 2015
Marina and the Diamonds has had a very busy few months. Earlier this year her third album ‘Froot’ was released and she has been here, there and everywhere promoting and of course playing her brand new music to here fans at home but also across the pond.
On the 27th November the ‘Froot’ star headlined a sold-out gig at the O2 Academy in Birmingham. Oozing with confidence the star flirts with all her fans making them go crazy for more what she has to offer. This tour had everything, costume changes, big music and a wonderful performance from start to finish.
You can tell the clear chemistry between the singer-songwriter and her fans. She absolutely adores all of them and its obvious each and every one of them have a special place in her heart. The first song ‘Mowgli’s Road’ started the whole concert with a bang. Instead of focusing on her newest album, the thing I liked about the concert is she did sections for all of her albums. She started with ‘Family Jewels’ that was followed by ‘Electra Heart’. This was my favourite part of the concert because it’s my favourite album of hers. She then ended on a high with her brand new album.
Unfortunately Marina had sad news and said the tour next year will be the last for a long time. The singer-songwriter didn’t tell her beloved fans what she meant but I’m extremely excited to go to her last tour for a while next February.
Review: Samantha Harrison
Photographs: Ian Dunn