Junkyard Morning + 28 Costumes @ Wolverhampton Little Civic – 15th June 2008
Formed in August 2007, Junkyard Morning (Stef Vox on Guitar, Rich on Guitar, Dave on Drums & Lee on Bass) are a four piece band who describe themselves as an alternative rock band, fusing the sounds of U2, The Manics & Pearl Jam and were the winners of this years Battle Of The Bands in Wolverhampton – beating 126 other bands to the title.
These four very clean guys from the Midlands made some very dirty noise as they ripped through their 10 track strong set list which, although dominated by modern rock, showed their capability for creating softer, soulful sounds.
Tracks performed included “Wait For Me”, “7th Fret Lullaby” and “Blame Yourself”. These successfully showcased the Junkyard’s talents as well as their ability to captivate the audience.
I am loathe to say they had a polished edge as their music had a definite harder quality and rawness, but despite their fleeting time spent together as a band their performance demonstrated skill and maturity. Stef really seemed at home with the electric guitar despite admitting halfway through the set that he had only been playing since August 2007! All four obviously enjoyed the gig and the feeling was contagious.
The forming of Junkyard Morning has given Stef and the Boys an opportunity to give us some really superb music and I will definitely be following their future exploits such as their gig at the Flapper on July 18th where hopefully their new release 4-track EP will be available.
I had only intended to watch Junkyard Morning, but when four guys from Stratford interrupted my cigarette outside and insisted I stay to see 28 Costumes, my appetite was whet! 28 Costumes were the fourth and final band of the night and although the crowd had somewhat diminished by the time they came on, they remained undeterred and made sure the set was full of energy.
The virtually empty room had every corner filled with sound, albeit somewhat lacking in finesse and resembling a set you might hear in a working men’s club – complete with pint on the keyboard! They were the second band this evening to comprise of three guys and a girl, and weren’t put off by the reverb as they had obviously come out to enjoy their music just as much as the punters, being all about the sound above the look.
28 Costumes certainly did not disappoint, and their fresh, passionate sounds gave me a high to go home with on a Sunday Night
Review – Dave Edwards
Photos – John Mason