Hard Rock Hell XII Red Carpet Awards
Last year’s HRH Awards proved to be such a success, that they return for their 2nd year.
In attendance are the rich and famous, the bands that are performing, bands up for awards and all related associates such as PR, Agents and of course the Fans (which without them there would be none of this). Everyone is in their best attire, to impress.
Winners of this year’s awards are as follows
The Angels Of Rock: Tequila Mockingbird
Stoner Lords: Orange Goblin
HRH Rising Stars: Those Damn Crows.
Axeman: Phil Campbell
Young Blood: Footprints In The Custard.
Metal Maniacs: Saxon
Global Heroes: Michael Monroe Not In Attendance As Currently on Tour
HRH Tub-Thumper: Nigel Glocker Saxon
Mjolnir Award-Lifetime Achievement: Dave Brock
HRH Legend: Biff Byford Saxon
Live Performances from the night were from Kent based Collateral UK. Not afraid of interacting with the crowd or spilling beer on his band mate afterwards. They also made time to grab a photo.
Gorilla Riot start with an acoustic track which goes down well. Birmingham based Devilfire bring Rock home for us, great lads with drive passion and ambition who were up for an award but just missed out. All this with the help of Area 51 girls lit the place up in fire throughout.
This year it was a honour to have been here and a big success, with stars in attendance and the humble Phil Campbell, who didn’t know why he was being presented an award.
Footprints In the Custard were eternally grateful, with the best ever speech stating they don’t know why they are getting this as they are just a comedy metal band. Quote “You mad bastards, for a comedy metal band for such a serious reaction is completely missing the point what are you playing at”
Those Damn Crows appeared completely shocked as did Orange Goblin.
Our coverage of Thursday follows tomorrow.
Reviewer and Photographer: Chris Bowley