Fighting With Wire + General Fiasco + Calories @ Bar Academy – 13th September 2008


Having missed Calories the first band we saw was General Fiasco, a 3-piece from Belfast who – lest we forget – would like you to visit their myspace page. Repeatedly, if their constant mention of it is any indication. Aside from this inundation of self-promotion, however, General Fiasco had some good contributions to the reputation of the Northern Ireland rock scene. The particular stand-out track was Rebel Get By, and the fans that seemed to be travelling with the tour were most vocal in their applause.


Also from Northern Ireland, Fighting With Wire had clearly brought some of the home contingent with them tonight as the bulk of the crowd were raucous and enthusiastic in the way that the Bar Academy rarely tends to see. At Download they were plagued by guitar tuning troubles but there was no evidence of this tonight as they powered through each track of the set, displaying some fine guitar moments along the way.


Opening strong and fast and with My Armoury, they continue in the same vein for the rest of the set, pausing their polished punk-rock only to respond in kind to heckles from the crowd. Strength in Numbers and Sugar were well-received, pushing an already frenetic crowd to a new level, despite the limited space. The night ended with an awesome assault of noise that left the crowd hoarse with appreciation.


My Armoury
Everyone Needs A Nemesis
Strength In Numbers
Into The Ground
Cut The Transmission
All For Nothing
Make A Fist
The Quiet

Review – Jack Briggs
Photos – Steve Gerrard

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